Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You'll Never Nanny in this Town Again

The True Adventures of a Hollywood Nanny

by Suzanne Hansen.

Oooh! Celebrity scandal! (sort of)

Nursery Crimes

by Ayelet Waldman.

I love Juliet. She makes me feel better about being a mom.

Size 12 is Not Fat

by Meg Cabot.

I could get into this series.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


by Angela Nissel.

You know what else is good? The Broke Diaries. But Halle Berry didn't endorse that one.

The Gum Thief

By Douglas Coupland.

Dear Mr. Coupland,

I found your latest novel so unbearable dull that after reading 118 pages, I just couldn't commit to the full 300 and returned it to the library. I am saddened.

- the HL